Boring copy can suck it.

Boring copy can suck it.

scroll on if you're into it.

let's do it

So can pushy copy, sleazy copy, and copy that feels like it's trying to sell you a set of steak knives.

It's 2022, lady. It's time to get words on your website that are as creative, genuine, and ballsy as you are. That express the full awesomeness of what you do. And that don't just move products, but move people.

If you're an online business owner... 

Then you're in luck!

And you need copy that sounds like *you*, that's the opposite of boring, and that causes your ideal customers to flock towards you like you're Harry Styles in a room full of teenage girls...

I always feel wanky sharing this stuff, so let's get it out of the way quickly:

I’ve spent the past nine years writing copy for some truly excellent peeps in the online biz world —

... I’ve written sales pages that have resulted in multiple-6-figure launches. Even one seven figure launch. (That was a crazy day, lemme tell you.)

... I’ve worked on products that have pulled in half-a-mill of revenue and counting.

... I’ve helped write and edit books (and the sales pages that go with them) that have landed on bestseller lists.  

... I’ve written sales sequences that have sold out masterminds and coaching schedules — once with a single email.  

Because that, sweet friend, is my jam.

And i'd love to write copy for you too.

"Jess Larsen’s work blew my mind. She got my voice, nailed the copy and had me giggling at my own sales pages. The response from my clients has been OUT OF THIS WORLD. Working with Jess was one of the best investments I EVER have made for my business and I am deliriously happy with her work.

Get Jess’ words for your business if you are ready for your sales to go BOOM!"


"Working with Jess was one of the best investments I have EVER made for my business and I am deliriously happy with her work."

I've written copy for:

Melissa Ambrosini

Rachel MacDonald

Lisa Corduff

Louise Glendon

Rosemarie Beltz

Nick Broadhurst

Tara Bliss

Ellissa Nagle

Danielle LaPorte

Claire Obeid

street cred

and I'd love to write for you too.

"Working with Jess is a dream and so easy."



Melissa ambrosini, bestselling author

"Not only does she totally get your voice, but she is a ball to brainstorm and collaborate with always bringing her epic ideas to the table. I have been working with Jess for years now and I couldn't ask for a better copywriter on my team. I adore her and she is now basically part of the furniture here at MA HQ."

real results

"When I read the copy Jess had written for me, I was bowled over – and freaking exhilarated!"



"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


"Jess is extraordinary at what she does."




"I’ve never met someone who is so talented, gifted and brilliant with words. Her copy writing service she provides is like a form of high quality artistry. It’s been the best investment of my money since creating my business."

"Let me tell you about the single best investment that I have made in my business so far: Ms Jessica Larsen."



"She took the words from my sales page and turned them into a story that had me mesmerised.

By the end of the story, I was ready to purchase a session from myself."

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


"I’m simultaneously (& rather awkwardly) kicking myself for not hiring her sooner, singing her praises & secretly hoping no-one else discovers her."



kacey crawford, business and resumé coach

Website Copy - 5 web pages (includes Home, About, 1 x longform sales page, plus 2 more pages) - $4997

Rates & Packages

Longform sales page - from $1997



Keen as a queen to hire me? choose from the below

Sales Emails - Get your whole launch sequence written, starting from $1997


Nurture Sequence / Welcome Sequence - 6 emails, $1397


Ebook Opt-in - You choose the topic, I write it for you. Starting from $1297



If your project is unique, please get in touch for a quote. 

Note: All prices are in Aussie dollars.
GST is extra for Australian residents.

A few things to note...

Great copy pays for itself many times over. (Check the case studies below to see what I mean.) It's also something you can get done once, then keep using and benefitting from for years to come.

r.o.i. to write home about

My schedule fills up fast, so the earlier you can book in, the better. If it's an emergency, get in touch to see if I can squeeze you in. (Note that a 20% rush fee applies). 

book in early

Cookies, yes.
Cookie cutter, no.

i don't do cookie cutter

before we make sweet, sweet internet love, here are

"I've worked with a lot of copywriters over the years and ended up crying all the tears (and wasting all the money) when the copy I got back was crap." 

click here for detailed reviews →


"It always felt like it would just be easier to do it myself. But I knew I wasn’t getting the best results. I knew I needed a pro.

I have only ever heard good reports about Jess’s work. And now I know why. I hope I am NEVER without her. The work was exceptional. She got my voice, my community and was able to communicate the value of what I do WAY BETTER than I ever have. I had my best launch after over three years in online business and I credit much of that to Jess.

I feel like so much more is possible for my business now I have an expert copywriter, who is a total pleasure to work with, on the team. Thank you, Jess x”

"Jess Larsen is one of my best kept secret weapons."

rosemarie beltz, from nbc's 'the today show'

"Not only is she as cool as a cucumber… She is sharp as a whip and as witty as they come.

From branding to ghost writing, copyediting to marketing, and web-copy to design strategy… Over the course of five years, she has saved my life and sanity on… let’s just say, more than one or two occasions!

I am a science geek who can get caught up in the details but Jess is always on point! She has been able to translate my scattered thoughts and words in a pinch.

She is professional, upbeat and personable. You will not be disappointed! What can I say? I’m a huge fan!”

next case study →

"You need Jess on your team."

elizabeth mckenzie, screenwriter & copywriter

"Jess is THE communication expert (and I don’t throw that word around willy nilly). You need her on your team. What initially started off as pure editing turned into a kickass collaborative relationship where Jess has guided me through all things communication, messaging and business branding in the world of insane online noise.

Jess is a not only my number one cheerleader for my creative self, but what she does is look at it from a global and strategic point of view. How does it fit into what I’m doing and where I want to go? How does can we tweak it to get the best out of my message? How can we expand the reach? How can we amp this up 10 fold? How can we bring in more cash??

 She has single handedly changed the way I write, the way I see myself and the way I deliver my message to my peeps – effectively handing me the keys to making money online and becoming the business woman I’ve been working my ass to be.

Beyond her crazy mad skills with wordsmithing she is the whole B I G picture. So yeah, you needed her in your life, like, yesterday."

next case study →

"Jess is the single best investment that I have made in my business so far."

Damien meldrum, 'Open 2 life'

"Trying to sell my product is a bit tricky. Energy healing is a difficult concept to put across to people. I have written about twenty different sales pages in the past two years, I actually thought I was getting pretty good at it.

Recently I have decided to invest a bit more into my business, you know… ‘going pro!” Well, let me tell you about the single best investment that I have made in my business so far: Ms Jessica Larsen. She took the words from my sales page and turned them into a story that had me mesmerised.

By the end of the story, I was ready to purchase a session from myself. I now have her booked to rewrite my website and edit my upcoming book. Jess really is the woman who can get your message out to the world."

next case study →

"When I read the copy Jess had written for me, I was bowled over – and freaking exhilarated!"

Rachel MacDonald

"Jess is a super-talent and a TOTAL pro. In a heartbeat, she captured the essence of my message beautifully, intuitively and powerfully – shining a bright light on all the parts that just weren’t coming together for me.

The way she effortlessly weaves words is cause for celebration alone, but to have someone give you that kind of electric clarity around your offers? Priceless.Overwhelmed with gratitude for this lady’s phenomenal skills. Get her on your team!"

back to start →

"whoa, why did I wait so long to upgrade my copy?!"

— future you, sipping a celebratory cocktail after checking your stripe notifications

— future you, eating celebratory cupcakes in the middle of your next launch

shoot me an email

Let's put *you* into words.
Lock in your spot now by sending me an email.

Ready to Rock?