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You've seen plenty of people in your niche have profitable launches.

We're going to go big here in order to grab some attention. 

So you know it's possible.

But yours keep falling short. So instead of the five or six figure launches you dream of, you're barely covering the cost of your ad spend.

It's incredibly frustrating, because you know what you're offering is good, and you know it could truly help people...

So why is nobody buying?!

You can't help but look around and wonder:

NEW! for course creators & COACHES

scroll down for the answer

What the heck do those people have that I don't?!

Because let's face it: there are plenty of people with small lists who still have profitable launches.

And if you guessed that it's because they've got…

… a fancy-ass funnel,
… a six figure ad budget,
… or a huge Insta following,

... you’d still be missing the mark.

Because, sure — all those things might help.

But in the end, they can only point the way.

They're not what *actually* gets people over the line and pressing that buy button; they're all just leading people to the same critical bottleneck...

If you guessed that it's their list size that makes the difference... you'd score zero points.

Then it doesn’t matter how great your product is, or how big your list is, or how much retargeting you do on facie… the simple truth is you will Not. Make. Sales.

So what is this one crucial bottleneck?

What is this single most important piece of the launch puzzle, that basically renders everything else null-and-void if it’s not done right?

And if you don't get that one bottleneck right?


When it comes down to it, your sales page is the one thing — the ONLY thing — that can nudge your readers to take that all-important step of pressing the ‘buy now’ button and punching in their credit card details.

Because while your business coach might give the best advice in the world, your Facebook ninja might drop pixels in all the right places, and your funnel may have the fanciest evergreen software that money can buy…

At the end of the day, no matter what your strategy, your prospects all end up in the one place...

All roads lead to Rome.

And when you’re trying to earn money online and make a profit…

... Rome is your sales page.

Writing sales pages SUCKS.

Here you are
going to state the challenges and frustrations 

Of course, there's one problem:

At least, it has whenever you’ve tried it in the past.

You start with the best of intentions, a full cup of coffee, and your favourite “I’m gonna get shit done” playlist pulsing through your headphones.

You settle into your chair, open up a blank document, stare at the expanse of empty white screen in front of you… and promptly remember how freaking daunting it is to write copy from scratch.

… Where should you start?

… What should you talk about?

… How do you sell without sounding like a sleazebag?

… How do you actually, like, convince people to buy from you?

… And for the love of all that is holy, how long should it be?!

It’s enough to send you straight for the bottle. (Pinot or kombucha, take your pick.)

Then to the couch. (Because surely a few hours of Netflix will inspire you… right?)

And when you FINALLY stop procrastinating and make it back to your laptop...

... and FINALLY force some words out of your brain and onto the page, it feels like you're trying to squeeze milk from a turnip.

You get a fleeting sense of achievement when you eventually complete your first full paragraph, but it fades faster than a snowflake in a frying pan when you read back what you’ve written…

… why does it sound like you’ve got a stick up your butt?

… why does it all seem so salesy?

… and why — when you believe in what you do, have worked so hard for it, and KNOW how much it can help people — is it so damn difficult to actually put. it. into. words?


But an hour of googling confirms your suspicion: all the people you resonate with are really expensive.

And the affordable ones seem to have just slapped 'copywriter' in their profile after their previous incarnation as a biz coach went south.

And if you DO happen to find someone who's both experienced and within your budget (a.k.a. a unicorn), your stomach sinks when they reply to your email.

Sure, they can write you a sales page...

With time and motivation slipping away, there’s only one option left:

But not for six months.

HIRE someone to write it for you.

So you do the only thing you can think of — push back your launch dates.

Then slide into a state of entrepreneurial defeat, where you doubt everything about your entire business and start wondering if you should go back and get a "real" job.

...That is, until one day you stumble across some new “must-have” internet tactic, get lost in a rabbit hole of breathless articles, and get all excited about the “magical” results it’s sure to bring... and the journey starts all over again.

Want to opt-out of the cycle?

All in all, you feel crushed.

5 Myths That Stop People
From Focusing on Their Sales Page

… even though it’s literally the ONLY indispensable,
can’t-avoid-it piece of the “let’s make money online” puzzle.

myth #1 - "But I'm not a good writer!"

Lots of people think back to that C they got in high school English, and become convinced that they’re not “good enough” to write their own copy…

… which couldn’t be further from the truth.

For starters, the style of writing that’s expected at school or university is miles apart from the style that makes for powerful copy.

Secondly, some of the world’s best copywriters don’t consider themselves ‘good writers’.

Take David Ogilvy, for example, the godfather of modern advertising — he thought he was ‘lousy’ at writing... even though he was the most sought after copywriter in the world!

Thirdly, as business owners, we’ve got an advantage when it comes to writing copy: it plays to our natural strengths. Your ability to problem solve, learn new skills, get inside your customers’ heads, your passion for your product... they’re all huge advantages.

In short, it would really suck to let the lingering fear of your old English teacher hold you back from building up this crucial skill-set when it carries such huge payoffs — like radically increasing your conversions, selling out your programs, and generating profit on autopilot.

myth #2 - writing a sales page is time consuming & painful

Let me take a stab in the dark:

Whenever you’ve sat down to write a sales page in the past, you found yourself staring at the screen in frustration, trying to guess at what-the-heck you should write and worried that you’ll screw up your whole launch if you guess wrong.

...With so much guessing and stressing, it’s no wonder people hate writing sales pages so much!

It seems about as fun as trying to assemble an IKEA flat-pack without the Allen key… or the instruction manual… or your right hand… whilst blindfolded.

What most people don’t realise is this:

When you know the basics of conversion copy, you don’t have to guess.

You literally know *exactly* what to put on the page and where to put it to generate the most conversions.

So the guesswork, the frustration, the suck-factor… it all disappears, and you can actually ENJOY the writing experience. (Revolutionary, I know!)

myth #3 - to be effective, sales pages must be pushy

It’s true — the majority of sales pages you see online use forceful, pushy copy that leaves you feeling greasier than a truck-stop pizza.

But that’s not because impactful copy REQUIRES you to be a douche...

... It’s because people who aren’t clued in to the deeper science of customer psychology are left with a very limited array of tools at their disposal.

Which is why they end up imitating the pushy, gross techniques they’ve seen others use — because they literally don’t know any other way to do it.

Conversion copywriters, on the other hand, know the mechanisms and nuances behind human decision-making. We literally study what goes on in people’s heads before they say ‘yes’.

Which means we’re able to persuade readers to take action and press buy without sounding sleazy.

In fact, this style of writing is so engaging, people actually enjoy reading pages written using these techniques, because they learn things and get genuine value from them. #NotYourGrandma’sSalesPage

myth #4 - "But can't I just outsource my copywriting?!"

Outsourcing your copy isn’t as simple as hiring a gardener or a plumber. Copywriting is strategic. It can change the direction of your business. So you need to understand it yourself, even if you do decide to get expert help as well.

There are heaps of reasons for this, but there are 3 main ones:

// Firstly, because no one knows your voice like you do.

While a professional copywriter can help you shape and strengthen your voice, it’s still something that HAS to stem from YOU… especially if authenticity and transparency are important to your brand.

// Secondly, because mastering this skill can make SUCH a big difference to your bottom line.

It can literally be the difference between a 4-figure launch and a 5-figure one, or a 5-figure launch and a 6-figure one.

So it’s essential that you know enough about it, that you can make the right choices for your audience and your business.

// And finally, because you shouldn’t be beholden to someone else for something that’s so fundamental to your business.

As a professional conversion copywriter, people outsource to me All. The. Time. It is literally what I do day to day.

And yet a really important thing to note is that the people who I work with who are truly moving mountains in the online world – the big-timers, the ‘internet famous’ peeps, and the ones with crazy-successful businesses, do you know what they all have in common?

They’re all really good at writing copy themselves. 

A few of them were naturally good to begin with...

But the majority were not. Yet they instinctively knew that copywriting was a skill that made a difference, so they prioritized it early on and are now reaping the rewards.

// Another factor to consider is the practical side of outsourcing your copy...

What if you end up having to work with someone who’s not the best, because they’re the only ones who can fit you in, or who match your budget? How will you know if what they’ve written is any good, and if it will appeal to your audience?

The answer is, you won’t…

… Unless you spend some time developing your own skills.

Then, you’ll know how to spot a good headline... and avoid a shitty one.

You’ll be able to whip up a great sales page for that idea you had in the shower… without being on a wait-list for weeks, or paying a bomb.

And you’ll know which words and stories will move your unique audience to say YES to your offer… and which ones will repel them faster than a tongue kiss from Trump.

myth #5 - it takes forever to get good at copywriting

You do not need to spend years studying marketing to write highly effective sales pages...

You don't need to devote yourself to taking workshops, doing training programs, or investing thousands in mentors...

And you don’t need to experiment with hundreds of different split tests, page frameworks, and conversion techniques to figure out what works best...

... You just need to learn from someone who’s done all that for you, then piggyback off their system 😉

That way, you can fast-forward through the awkward trial and error phase, remove the guesswork (and the years of practice), and skip straight to the stuff that’s been proven to generate sales and conversions, time and time again.

"The way she effortlessly weaves words is cause for celebration alone, but to have someone give you that kind of electric clarity around your offers? Priceless. Overwhelmed with gratitude for this lady’s phenomenal skills. Get her on your team!”

— rachel macdonald, business coach

“Jess is a super-talent and a TOTAL pro.” 

You clearly GET that your sales page is the critical bottleneck
that all readers have to pass through before they become paying customers.

So I’ll stop banging on about how crucial they are 😉

Instead, let me go ahead and tell you the good news:

If you’ve made it this far...

Writing a Highly Profitable Sales Page

Is Easier Than You Think.

— one that lights up your PayPal or Stripe dashboard with floods of new purchases —

Explain what this course feature is and sharing what it will do for the student. Remember, this is about them first and foremost. You want to help them visualize how their current problem will be solved. Use the description of this specific feature to help create that visualization. 

Explain what this course feature is and sharing what it will do for the student. Remember, this is about them first and foremost. You want to help them visualize how their current problem will be solved. Use the description of this specific feature to help create that visualization.

Here's What You'll Learn

Title Goes Here

Title Goes Here

feature one

feature tw0

Explain what this course feature is and sharing what it will do for the student. Remember, this is about them first and foremost. You want to help them visualize how their current problem will be solved. Use the description of this specific feature to help create that visualization.

Title Goes Here

feature four

Explain what this course feature is and sharing what it will do for the student. Remember, this is about them first and foremost. You want to help them visualize how their current problem will be solved. Use the description of this specific feature to help create that visualization.

Title Goes Here

feature Three


Here let's go ahead and display a really great and hard-hitting description of your course. Keep it brief, but dangle a big carrot here, friend. Like, a big brief carrot. You know what I'm saying? Don't worry - we will be sharing all of the details down below!


Your Course or Product Title

Replace your 9-5 income and make more in a month than ever before.

How does this sound?

Fill your calendar with your dream clients that make your heart happy.



the results you're going to get:

Create a tribe of loyal follower who engage with your content regularly.


Kick that imposter syndrome and self doubt in the booty and feel confident.


Double your email list with subscribers who actually like hearing from you.



How It Works

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

First This

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

Then this

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut.

then this

"Kate changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her."


got her groove back:


"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


real results

A year from now they
will have wished they started today....

So let's get  them started!

"I went from barely paying my bills to quitting my job and traveling the whole world.

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.


tripled her income

Yes, It Really Works

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... you've gotta work with Katie."

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.


scaled her business by 5x

"Our revenue tripled after doing Katie's mastermind for the year. Mind blown!"

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag master cleanse kale chips hell of crucifix succulents cred.


hired a dream team

I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan. Snackwave hella meggings bespoke meditation art party stumptown edison bulb williamsburg literally four dollar toast distillery photo booth. 

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.

You're in the right place.

Tell them a bonus offer that they will get should they sign up during your pre-sale window or if they choose a premiere package. Get them excited to join you and dangle some carrots, my friend. Dangle those dog-gone carrots.

Grab your seat today and get my really cool thing!

Free guide

Bonus Course Module


"This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.


Be booking your ideal clients and working on projects that bring high reward — both financially and creatively.

Increasing your average booking per client (Our students report an over 250% increase!).

Be able to clearly articulate what you do and who you do it for on demand confidently

Have a clear actionable plan in place for scaling your business and taking things to the next level. 

Know what to post and what to say on Instagram so you can get on with it.

Be able to attract top-tier candidates to join your team and help build your biz.

By the end of __, you will...


"Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

— Sarah

"This program transformed my business!"

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

I'm Kate, your new get-a-grip friend.

Poke fixie kickstarter fashion axe mixtape brunch. Small batch bushwick master cleanse waistcoat, everyday carry chillwave la croix. Jianbing next level narwhal, messenger bag.

more about me

hey there!

The goal of this section is...

Not to talk about your cat, or your love of chai lattes, or even your obsession with The Bachelor. Please leave that for your next IG story. Use this opportunity to share your background and how you came to be knowledgable in this area. Reiterate the struggles you used to experience until you found a better way.

Give several examples of how much your life and business changed once you put the teachings in your course or product into action. Help to paint the picture of what life was then and what it is now. What are the incredible experiences you are having today due to the changes you made?


but it wasn't always this way.

This program / course / membership is the only one of its kind because...

IT does this really cool thing.

Cold-pressed cray health goth ethical aesthetic typewriter. YOLO af copper mug single-origin coffee, deep v pop-up street art kogi kale chips. Activated charcoal four dollar toast raclette copper mug, fanny pack shabby chic kale chips thundercats. Etsy four loko fashion axe, echo park lomo meditation fam occupy cronut cold-pressed iPhone 3 wolf moon af pitchfork deep v.

Post-ironic poutine truffaut bicycle rights, skateboard brunch sartorial. Mustache flexitarian glossier pickled tumblr. Migas wayfarers hammock, biodiesel deep v kale chips adaptogen seitan cred umami +1 palo santo. Stumptown bitters forage meditation gastropub, thundercats lo-fi.


Cold-pressed cray health goth ethical aesthetic typewriter. YOLO af copper mug single-origin coffee, deep v pop-up street art kogi kale chips. Activated charcoal four dollar toast raclette copper mug, fanny pack shabby chic kale chips thundercats. Etsy four loko fashion axe, echo park lomo meditation fam occupy cronut cold-pressed iPhone 3 wolf moon af pitchfork deep v.

Post-ironic poutine truffaut bicycle rights, skateboard brunch sartorial. Mustache flexitarian glossier pickled tumblr. Migas wayfarers hammock, biodiesel deep v kale chips adaptogen seitan cred umami +1 palo santo. Stumptown bitters forage meditation gastropub, thundercats lo-fi.

Study at your own pace

Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to do that thing.

That your course or product can only take them so far. That not only applying what they will learn but sweat equity into their vision is the only way to move the needle. And then you are going to leave them with something majorly thought-provoking...

Creating this one very life-changing habit

Building a system that will do this other thing.

Attracting your dream clients and working on projects that light you up.

Building a dream team that will ensure you're continued growth and more time to operate in your zone of genius.

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and profitability. 

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Try My Program for 15 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

Portland ugh glossier church-key meditation, tilde lumbersexual photo booth neutra normcore etsy mumblecore. Gluten-free post-ironic kickstarter, distillery copper mug fixie kitsch raclette church-key single-origin coffee slow-carb hella. Pabst adaptogen waistcoat, shabby chic VHS seitan poke poutine selvage meh.

money back 


This      for you if:

You need to finally make time for...

You're overwhelmed by this



you're ready for this thing

It's probably       for you if...




It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

insert your mockup here

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

Frequently Asked Questions

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.

We're going to add a top asked question here so we can address it.

And then, you guessed it... we are going to dazzle them with a really informative answer right here.


Students who have taken this course


Number of times I cried about that


My clients' launch profits this year


Number of podcast episode downloaded
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Glossier church-key subway tile.

Still on the fence?